My Summer House Jelly Roll
There are fabrics for Halloween and fabrics for winter holidays and fabrics for the 4th of July. But how about fabrics celebrating summer? Anne Sutton felt it was time to design My Summer House, a tribute the time of year when children play outside, neighbors sip iced tea on their front porches, and farm stands overflow with strawberries and cherries. “It’s a special season and it’s often overlooked,” says Anne. “I hear about people having summer houses and thought ‘I can have a summer house. Anyone can!’” Hers is simply a pair of Adirondack chairs tucked into an alcove in her garden. Pale pink Cecile Brunner roses climb overhead, and from this spot, she can enjoy her beloved flowers and wave to neighbors strolling by. “It’s the best place to sit in this wonderful time of year,” she says.
Includes 40 2.5" Strips